
Duration: 31 minutes
King is a serious and resolute fighter. He comes to somefight with a cold momentum.
Blue, the champion, is a fighter with strong comprehensive ability and is not afraid of King’s visit and challenge.
The two masters began to fight, and the higher level duel was a bit of a tie.
However, blue inadvertently kicked the key part of king. Is this king’s weakness?
How will King face the cruel and crucial attack of blue? Please enjoy!

sale! sfmm-03 king VS blue (Full Movie)

#aisan #asia #china #chinese #MMA

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 34:03

Duration: 31 minutes
King is a serious and resolute fighter. He comes to somefight with a cold momentum.
Blue, the champion, is a fighter with strong comprehensive ability and is not afraid of King’s visit and challenge.
The two masters began to fight, and the higher level duel was a bit of a tie.
However, blue inadvertently kicked the key part of king. Is this king’s weakness?
How will King face the cruel and crucial attack of blue? Please enjoy!

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Published on 2022-08-13


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