
Jogger Gut Punched in the Park

#malegutpunching #2on1 #abspunch #gutpunch #gut punch

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PremiumFullHDLength: 13:48

Disclaimer: All models have participated in the video consensually.

English: A man bumps into a jogger in the park. The jogger gives a surprise punch and leaves the man out of breath. He calls his brother and they look for the jogger. When they find him, they decide to teach him a lesson by repeatedly punching his vulnerable abs.

Español: Un hombre choca con un corredor en el parque. El corredor da un puñetazo sorpresa y deja al hombre sin aliento. Llama a su hermano y buscan al corredor. Cuando lo encuentran, deciden darle una lección golpeando repetidamente sus vulnerables abdominales.


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Published on 2024-09-15


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Jogger Gut Punched in the Park

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