
Max Adonis vs Austin Sugar -RING FUCK and Pro Wrestling ROUGH

#maxadonis #austinsugar #prowrestling
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 39:14

Sexy and laid back surfer boy Max is so stunning to look at you might not realize how fucking tough this beautiful boy is. Austin Sugar is just what his name suggests; a humpy piece of muscle fluff that you want to pound the crap out of and then lick all over before consuming him whole. This is the first time in the ring for both wrestlers and they make the most of the ropes, the turnbuckles, the canvas, and each other’s cock and butts! Max is a sneaky dude who comes off as just a nice guy out for a good time. But after you see him pummel Austin with gut punches, ass slaps, and a littany of painful sub holds you soon realize this hunk likes to dish it out and toy with his prey before raping his mouth and his hole. Austin is naturally submissive and is hugely turned on by all the punishment. Watching Max writhe and eat out Austin’s ass in the turnbuckle makes you wish all pro wrestling matches ended this way! Which is only a prelude for when his fucks Austin’s lucious peach ass all over the ring and of course against the turnbuckle!

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Published on 2023-06-08

1 Comment


2023-07-09 12:54

WOW!!!!!!...what a win!!!!!.....Max is AWESOME!

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Max Adonis vs Austin Sugar -RING FUCK and Pro Wrestling ROUGH

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