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Kidcanuck must be a glutton for punishment as he returns to square off against Ultimate Domination again.
As the match begins, Ultimate Domination immediately takes control and what follows can only be described as a complete squash job.
Kid Canuck is beaten, stretched, brutalized, and totally demolished!
This match features gut punching, grappling, camel clutch, Boston crab, sleeper, muscle worship and a brutal torture rack!
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Hard to pick a hottest moment here: THAT torture rack submission? Defeated Kid worshipping Ultimate's chest and arms? Ultimate sleepering Kid out and carrying him off? The last few minutes of this are just amazing.
2024-10-09 04:28I am so late to this video - but YES - the carrying off! Like my user name implies - I love it when a guy's carried - ESPECIALLY cradle carried like a baby / princess / bitch / loser! The ending is close to what I love to see! Hot video!
2023-05-15 14:12This is fucking beautiful. Love how brutal you can be! I wish I was more brutal with Kid when he was there.
2022-11-12 04:41I love the rivalry between you two. And love the complete man handling of this match
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2023-09-14 17:05