The young and athletic William shows his power and dominance by using his feet for total control. He steps on his opponent's sensitive areas, smothers him with his feet and uses chokeholds to emphasize his superiority. A spectacular spectacle for those who appreciate power, strength and fetish aesthetics.
William in Total Power - Foot Strangulation and Control of Weakness
#choking #Bullying #domination #buffestboys #smallboysVideo details
The young and athletic William shows his power and dominance by using his feet for total control. He steps on his opponent's sensitive areas, smothers him with his feet and uses chokeholds to emphasize his superiority. A spectacular spectacle for those who appreciate power, strength and fetish aesthetics
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2025-01-08 21:56Congratulations for your videos. Would love to be locked in a room with William barefoot for a hard session. I am a soles addict and would need to get a good lesson. Hope to see mor of his soles in next videos and would like to see him using his soles to smother totally his opponent, soles covering the face until the opponent has to tap out.
2025-01-07 23:22Wow….William loves to torture. The chokes were awesome. But i fast forward to though the foot stuff. William face expressions are awesome. Poor Leo. I don’t think his face will chance color back to normal. Happy to have William back. Looking forward to the next video. Merry Russian Christmas.
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2025-01-13 19:09