
Already chained in the corner, Sluggz finds that he is unable to escape as he strains against his bonds. Onto the scene comes Blue Baller, who informs his captive that he is the epitome of pure and will vanquish all evildoers no matter when or where he faces them.

Things seem to really go off the rails for Blue Baller when he decides that in order to truly defeat Sluggz he must deliver the ultimate solution. It is a truly brutal and vicious ending to Sluggz life of crime.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 21 minutes, 40 seconds

Chained - Blue Baller vs. Sluggz

#goodvsevil #herohunks #superhero #supervillain

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 21:34

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Chained - Blue Baller vs. Sluggz

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