Free Trailer - The day Sir Dark defeated Denny Hellbo

#Dennyhellbo #sirdark #fetish #prowrestling #hunks
Sir Dark

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FreeLength: 1:03



2024-12-23 17:07

This is re-released right? This was out earlier in the year I believe.

Sir Dark

2024-12-23 17:09

(In reply to this)

Correct, it is one of the best memories from my 2024


2024-12-23 17:00

Wow! Great trailer. But say it ain't so. Sir Dark defeating Denny is like Lex Luthor defeating Superman, It can't happen. LOL.

Sir Dark

2024-12-23 17:10

(In reply to this)

If you pay attention there is also Denny’s revenge uploaded 😈


2024-12-23 17:54

(In reply to this)

Will check it out. You do look like an evil Lex Luthor type (hence the moniker?}. If I could afford it I'd order a vid of Denny as Superman and you as Lex in a fight to the finish. Just discovered your site. Looks good.

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