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#013 EC Vs RS Oil Submission (1080p)


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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 17:11

There is no love lost between these two heavyweights! In a UK vs USA match, Ryan Savage makes his debut and looks to score the upset on resident heel EC in the oil pit. EC has the height advantage but Savage has an extra 18lbs on his side. EC sports Team Extreme Green trunks and Savage in a USA brief.
This is a back and fourth aggressive bout, where the camera is even rocking as the heavy thuds land on each others chests and backs. Both wrestlers looking to put their opponent away with every move they know how to use in the oil, but only one man can come out on top. It takes a long and tightly held sleeper to claim ultimate victory!
Both wrestlers give it their all, and practically destroy the oil pit in doing so!
There is no doubt, this rivalry isn't over just yet!

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Published on 2021-05-31


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#013 EC Vs RS Oil Submission (1080p)

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