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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 24:37
Full of energy after winning the UKWH Tag Team Titles with his brother, Bo Bearly is awaiting his next challenge. What he does't realise who it will be, a newly "re-branded" EC Extreme. now sporting tight red trunks and a new Fireman's jacket.
Both men having 1 win over the other, they are each looking to finally prove the better wrestler.
Seemingly turning over a new leaf, EC promises no dirty tricks and Bo agrees, with a sly smirk.
Both EC and Bo go back and forth trading similar if not identical holds on each other, EC leaning into some more agile manoeuvres while Bo leans into his weight advantage.
Each side showcasing what makes them great wrestlers in their own right, but only 1 can come out on top.
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Published on 2023-07-08
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