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Aston Leon
Hi, Ashton Leon.
Freddy Campbell
I'm Freddie Campbell.
Both: { 0:10 }
And this is WatchFighters Interviews.
WatchFighters Media
What is your fighting background and how long have you been training?
Aston Leon
So for me, with wrestling, I've been wrestling unofficially on the website for MeetFighters. Since like 2014 and as official training. I have been training in boxing since 2021 and haven't really stopped since.
Freddy Campbell
For me, before wrestling, I started playing rugby, which is like fighting training adjacent, back in 2013. I still play, I love it. I've done a few months of jiu-jitsu between intermittent classes. I started really wrestling back in 2020 and I've loved it ever since.
WatchFighters Media
How did you get into making wrestling videos?
Aston Leon
My very first appearance on making a product was for UCW under a different alias. Then when I did BG East, that was many years later in 2017, I left a message on their Facebook wall and I just said what does it take to join BG East and Young Leopard directly messaged me and said if you can lose like as much weight as possible by this date you're in. And that was my very first shoot and they liked what I did for that, my very, very first match, and then invited me back and the rest is history.
Freddy Campbell
So I started much later. I wanted to work for a wrestling company for a long time and I really didn't know how to go about doing it. Eventually I met Ash and Kaden and they helped me put together a little portfolio of what I had done. I did not mention at the time that Ash and I were dating when I tried out because I wanted to see how I would do on my own. And I got a very similar message from Young Leopard from BG East, which was, you need to lose this much weight. This is what we're planning to shoot. To my own benefit, the shoot got delayed like six or seven times because of the COVID pandemic. But I used that to my advantage and kept trying to stay fit and learn what I could and plan what I could. And I got to live a dream I had for years that I thought would be completely impossible.
WatchFighters Media
What is your preferred fighting attire?
Freddy Campbell
Preferred Fighting Attire. I'll go first. I think I like Speedos the most. I've always liked those wrestling trunk looks back from the days of, you know, Stone Cold and The Rock. And I like that look that's so muscly even more modern now with MJF and all of his insanely good trunks that he has. Especially because we're in the underground scene. The more high cut bikini look or anything a little sluttier that has like the bodybuilder trunks definitely look better when we're on videos and they make us feel more confident. It's kind of that big confidence boost about the look.
Aston Leon
Would say probably singlets don't mind jock straps. A lot of a lot of guys I've wrestled with really like being face up by me. So... jock straps usually are always in the books and then of course boxing, the attire, boxing shorts, gloves.
WatchFighters Media
Well, what is your favorite part of erotic wrestling?
Freddy Campbell
I'd say my favorite part of erotic wrestling, and I did come to making it late in the game, is how great it is that we get to meet all these different people and do all these different things when you're watching these videos. A lot of times, especially when I was younger, I thought it was all so serious. It was all this very strict, rundown storyline. You had to get everything right, you had to do everything right. And I think for a lot of people it was that way. And now it has become much more fun, much more exciting. People are learning and trying new things. We're almost at a point now we're really reinventing what is erotic wrestling in content and what we can do and who we get to do it with.
Aston Leon
For me, I think it's the dynamic between either the two opponents or, you know, the multiple opponents involved in the match. But there's just always something about, like, when I have like, a jobber likely... that just melts in my in my holds. And melts like with me, just like literally having my fingers on their chin... and giving me the eyes like that. They're like "I'm... I'm yours."
Like he's giving me those plenty, all their notables like Mickey Knox, gosh, like Dante lesson like all like those moments is that's what I really crave for. It makes me love what I do.