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Denny dominates Sergio and Kevin and use them as human dumbell

#liftandcarry #Humandumbell #domination #2vs1 #muscleworship

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 21:20

Sergio and Kevin make a plan to take down Denny and dominate him, But in reall the hade no chance so they get dominated, choked frutal, doble ribs croshed by Dennys powerfull legs and after hard pain and domination Denny use them as human dumbell 😉, cool storry 2vs 1 don't miss it 😉

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Published on 2024-11-20



2024-11-21 07:48

let kevin overhead press sergio


2024-11-20 20:59

Definitely wanna see more vids with Sergio


2024-11-20 19:31

Great video! Denny is mega strong, Kevin as usual can endure any level of punishment. I hope you do more videos showing your strength with Sergio, his lean muscular physique is a great addition to the party!

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Denny dominates Sergio and Kevin and use them as human dumbell

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