Luta na Lama no Domingo Legal (1996)
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FreeLength: 2:09
mud wrestling on brazilian tv show on mid 90s
© SBT #compartilhe
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Published on 2021-07-01
2023-06-28 19:21It certainly was and I was amazed (and completely turned on) when I watched this video. Mind you, that was nothing for the Ancient Greeks - in the pankration, they wrestled naked, oiled and in a mudpit, so it is hardly surprising that it was the number one sport for the all male audiences of the day !
2023-06-28 22:54I blame jewish-christians for that involution in shyness xD
2023-06-30 00:53You might be right there. I sense that the Greeks had a lot of fun !
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2021-07-01 06:32