
Maxy vs Leonard

#Best of ##sleperholds #ko

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Premium4KLength: 8:18



2023-03-02 23:34

Leonard underestimated Maxi - once he got his sleeper locked on he wasn't letting go :)
Hope to see more matches with them both.


2023-03-03 01:20

(In reply to this)

Yes, soon will come de remach


2023-01-17 21:14

Maxi zeigt, er kann es immer noch, wie ein guter Rotwein! Beste Grüße an Maxi und natürlich Denny- den Meister!

Baby Tank

2022-11-24 15:20

Maxy and Andi and Leonard are all great wrestlers. Maxy is new to me. He is powerful and skilled. wow. Maxy was in control of his match with Andi but I expected LEnny to do better. Andi lasted 8 minutes and seemed to give up. Andi lasted 10 minutes. Leonard looked a little mad that he lost.

Andi and Leonard need to watch the video and analyze it and see if they can do better. rematches please.

DoWah (deleted member)

2022-11-23 13:55

YES, YES, YES !!!!!!!!!!!!! Ass kicker MAXY is back!! Love it. More of Maxy and Leonard. I will buy them all. Good job guys.


2022-11-23 17:50

(In reply to this)

Thanks ! I will upload more for sure !

DoWah (deleted member)

2022-11-23 20:23

(In reply to this)

Thank you. Lots of headscissors and bodyscissors from Maxy. His legs are awesome and some headlocks with those great biceps he has. Regular speedos if you can.


2022-11-23 21:27

(In reply to this)

We will on next videos for sure

DoWah (deleted member)

2022-11-24 11:56

(In reply to this)

Great !! Thank you very much.

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Maxy vs Leonard

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