
Jules needs more practice


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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 30:45

Note: I have included lots of ass/dick play in this video. Including scenes in which I get him hard, we see his pre-cum drip, and so forth.


"Whew! Jules latest hypno vid is so hot!!! How I wish I could use that whistle to blow his mind blanker! A MUST WATCH!!!! Sexy, Hot, Blank soccer boy!"

“Thanks J, I've download it and given it a watch... wow! This video is absolutely AMAZING! This is one of my dream fantasy scenarios and you (plus Jules) have created it in real life so so well. The soccer outfit on Jules is so sexy - especially the little black shorts. The way he looks when he goes under, his re-actions when you bring him back to reality. The way you worship his body, the he touches his own body. All amazing. His cute accent. Wow, just wow.”

Jules arrives in Dr Smith's office. He has had trouble recently performing on the pitch and has been sent to Dr Smith for some hypnosis to help. Jules is a jerk with Dr Smith. He doesn't believe in hypnosis and arrogantly tells Dr Smith that Dr Smith is a con artist and that he is only there at the office because he was made to go by his coach.

Jules is told to lie back on the office bed. Dr Smith then gets out a pendulum, tells Jules to watch it. Jules continues to smirk and say it is a waste of time, but as the pendulum swings Jules goes into a trance. We see a close up of Jules  going under if possible.

Once Jules is under Dr Smith starts caressing his body, lifting Jules's soccer shirt up to reveal his chest. Dr Smith rubs Jules's chest, arms and thighs and plays with his exposed nipples.

Dr Smith then orders Jules to stand. Jules stands (to the side or in front of the bed so we see him full length) and Dr Smith then caresses Jules's dick through his soccer shorts. Dr Smith then pulls down the shorts to reveal Jules's tight fitting underwear. He continues to rub Jules's cock and pulls it out.

Dr Smith then clicks his fingers and Jules wakes up. Jules is immediately angry, pulls up his shorts and is shouting at Dr Smith for taking advantage, etc. Dr Smith laughs and clicks his fingers again and Jules freezes back in a trance.

Dr Smith then orders Jules to take off his top and to lay out flat on the office bed. Once Jules has done this Dr Smith and continues to caress Jules's body. He removes Jules's shorts, soccer socks and then finally the underwear so Jules is naked.

Dr Smith then takes some photos of Jules naked (which it'd be great if you could send to me) and straps Jules's arms and legs down.

He snaps his fingers again and Jules awakens. Jules struggles and shouts. Dr Smith caresses Jules's dick and tells Jules he is going nowhere and is now his sex e. Jules freaks out but Dr Smith tells Jules that, when he clicks his fingers Jules will do whatever he is told. Jules shouts but at the click of the fingers he says "I'm your Dr Smith".

We then cut to the bedroom. Jules is back in his soccer kit and unconscious, lying faced down on the bed. Dr Smith enters the room. He rolls over Jules over onto his front and starts caressing Jules's body and takes a few full length photos (which you could send to me). Dr Smith then lies on the bed and orders Jules to wake – which Jules does and stands by the bed in a trance.

Dr Smith orders Jules to start caressing his own body and strip off his soccer top and then his shorts. Jules does this until he is just in his underwear and socks, at which Dr Smith tells him to stop. Jules stops and Dr Smith snaps his fingers. Jules wakes up, sees the situation, gets angry and jumps on the bed to attack Dr Smith. There is a struggle but Dr Smith clicks his fingers again and Jules collapses on top of him.

Dr Smith then caresses Jules's body on the bed, removing his underwear and socks jerking on Jules's cock. It would be great if Dr Smith could jerk until Jules cums (in a semi conscious state).

Once Jules has cum, Dr Smith wipes him clean and stands up. He clicks his fingers and Jules awakens in a groggy state, with no understanding of what has happened. Dr Smith tells Jules he is a disgrace, to get dressed and get out immediately or he'll report him to the coach and he'll be off the soccer team.

Published on 2024-09-26
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Jules needs more practice

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