
Donevan and Bronco are in the ring, each stretching. It is apparently that they know their way around a set of barbells. Each is sculpted through years of rigorous training, as though two Roman statues came to life.

Donevan takes the early advantage, throwing Bronco to the mat, stretching his legs and then grabbing him in a headlock from behind. It's not long before these turns into a leg scissor and then the two find themselves back on their feet, in a test of strength.

But, Bronco is not to be outdone, pulling Donevanin all the moves he had just found himself in!

Bronco and Donevan go back and forth with little to no trash talking. With bodies like these, you can't look away.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 23 minutes, 45 seconds

Strength - John Bronco vs. Donevan

#hunks #muscle #backandforth

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 23:36

Donevan and Bronco are in the ring, each stretching. It is apparently that they know their way around a set of barbells. Each is sculpted through years of rigorous training, as though two Roman statues came to life.

Donevan takes the early advantage, throwing Bronco to the mat, stretching his legs and then grabbing him in a headlock from behind. It's not long before these turns into a leg scissor and then the two find themselves back on their feet, in a test of strength.

But, Bronco is not to be outdone, pulling Donevanin all the moves he had just found himself in!

Bronco and Donevan go back and forth with little to no trash talking. With bodies like these, you can't look away.

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 23 minutes, 45 seconds

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Published on 2024-09-02


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Strength - John Bronco vs. Donevan

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