
INITIATION 2 - Jack Strong Gut Punched

#malegutpunching #2on1 #abspunch #gut punch #gutpunch

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PremiumFullHDLength: 14:47

Disclaimer: All models have participated in the video consensually.

English: Jack Strong wants to join a popular gang in his neighborhood. The gang leader tells Jack that he must be strong to be accepted. Jack must endure several minutes of intense gut punches while keeping his abs relaxed and vulnerable.

Español: Jack Strong quiere unirse a una pandilla popular en su vecindario. El líder de la pandilla le dice a Jack que debe ser fuerte para ser aceptado. Jack debe soportar varios minutos de intensos golpes en el estómago mientras mantiene sus abdominales relajados y vulnerables.


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Published on 2024-09-15


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INITIATION 2 - Jack Strong Gut Punched

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