#027 Grand Championship Semi Final; T-World Vs Bo Bearly
Video details
The quest to become UKwrestlinghub's first undisputed heavyweight champion kicks off with T-World vs Big Bo Bearly!
Fan favourite T-World has never looked better and has been training night and day for this opportunity. Jacked and bulging in all the right places, T World is ready for the fight of his life! Wearing his signature red trunks and matching boots, win and the world truly is his oyster!
Step up, one half of the Bearly brothers, The Dominator- Bo Bearly! With an 80lb weight advantage Big Bo treats this as a warm up before the grand final! Not taking his opponent too seriously, Bo decides to play with the muscled hunk and enjoy the workout.
In what could go down as a true classic battle, T-World shows that his hard work and hours in the gym are starting to pay off. He will not go down without a fight!
One man will be heading to the final... the other left wondering what went wrong!
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2021-09-04 18:28Sorry there wasn't a sexy pin! The new champ is aware and will try to accommodate with a sexy arrogant pin in his title defences!
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2021-09-04 18:24