
TwinkFighter meets Bodybuilder Wannabe and punches him hard in the guts

#Gutpunch #Bodybuilder #Twink
Bodybuilder Wannabe

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PremiumFullHDLength: 12:06

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Wannabe Bodybuilder got really impressed by a boy clearly skinnier and shorter than him whom was fighting against to. After being challenged by this huge and muscled man, Twinkfighter was brave enough to atack him quickly. With his abilities and an unexpected agiliy, he was able to take the bodybuilder down.
Now at the ground and exhausted the only thing he can do is stand all the gutpunches as a test of his strenght. But the hits were so precise that it started to destabilize the man. The pain wouldn’t leave him alone except for a brief time when Twinkfighter wanted to play with his nipples or armpits, licking them or humiliating him with purple nipples.
After having his nipples tormented, the gutpunches comes back even worse when Twinkfighter decides show his blackbelt in a different way. Now, Wannabe Bodybuilder sees himself totally dominated getting some strangulation by his belt with a nonstoping gutpunches and purplenipples. If you enjoy domination and a lot of gutpunches, this video is for you!

Created by

Bodybuilder Wannabe

More like this

Published on 2024-09-20

1 Comment


2024-11-27 07:22

So hot watching a twink own this muscleman’s abs 😈😛🔥

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TwinkFighter meets Bodybuilder Wannabe and punches him hard in the guts

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