Watch as 2 muscle boys go at it in barefoot pro wrestling action. See them inflict pain and punishment on each others muscle legs
#feet #prowrestling #muscleboys #speedowrestling #wrestlingboysVideo details
Hey there Im NEW here! We made a wrestling video with my muscle friend I hope you like it! :) You want to watch it!
We wear only speedo type gear, barefeet. Trade headlocks, head scissors, long held. Hammerlock and leg twist. Enjoy!
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Baby Tank
2024-05-25 01:12Great match and good start here on watchfighters. I hope we get to see a rematch. you might want to invest at some point in some puzzle mats. really makes the wrestling easier. Kostyn you were wearing the head gear? good job beating that big guy! love to see you torture rack him in a rematch! many more to come hopefully.
2024-05-17 10:55Amazing match between these studs! Long held holds, suffering, slapping the "mat" in pain. Very hot! Can't wait for more wrestling action from this stud.
Baby Tank
2024-12-28 16:46