
Nick Vs CJ - Erotic Wrestling

#erotic wrestling #gutpunch #rip and strip #naked #cock
Nick Lean

Video details

Premium4KLength: 20:41

Cj and I entered a hotel room and arranged it to be able to have a fight in a spacious place. We put on our respective fighting suits, me with an electric blue speedo and he with a golden one. The scene begins while CJ appreciates the view of the room and I appear to start the fight, we talk about the rules and how to use the space and the fight begins. As soon as the fight begins, I dominate CJ in most of the fight, I begin to try some wrestling holds and blows to his body, gut and face. After an intense fight where I dominated the action, I notice his hard package through his speedo like mine so we undressed to start a naked fight.
The fight advances between rubbing, hugs and blows. Then the first liplocks of the fight appear and the fight ignites little by little. In an oversight of mine CJ manages to have an advantage over me by managing to hang me with his hands until I was temporarily unconscious. At that moment he takes advantage of me and begins to suck my dick. Little by little he makes me react and continues to control it and making the fight more and more erotic and sexual. Shortly after I react and we fight for who has the advantage until the end of the fight.

La pelea avanza entre roces, abrazos y golpes. luego aparecen los primeros liplocks de la lucha y la lucha se va encendiendo poco a poco. En un descuido mio CJ logra tener ventaja sobre mi al lograr ahorcarme con sus manos hasta dejarme inconsciente temporalmente. en ese momento se aprovecha de mi y comienza a chuparme la verga. poco a poco me hace reaccionar y continúa controlándomelo y volviendo la pelea cada vez más erótica y sexual. poco después yo reacciono y nos peleamos por quien tiene la ventaja hasta el final de la lucha.


Created by

Nick Lean

More like this

Published on 2024-02-03



2024-04-28 15:11

I am sorry I see you already have your jobber and others wrestling and two against you, sorry about that

Nick Lean

2024-04-28 21:51

(In reply to this)

Don’t worry 😉, Anyway, having the chemistry I have with CJ, I'm constantly training him off cameras because I want to do more things with him and I want him to be able to defend himself and maybe make me submit without having to act on it, we have a video planned to be able to practice keys to each other


2024-04-28 15:07

Nick I am glad you two due well wrestling and it looks good and teaching him how he can do more with you makes it so much better. He is good at when but it doesn't happen often that he gets on top he is still working on ya in both wrestling and sucking. Maybe buy teaching him he can come out and take on another jobber to see who will wrestle you or them two against you. Great job


2024-04-02 17:01

Knick you and CJ are a great match for erotic wrestling and get along nicely. Going in to the many holds and positions is really great. Very sexaul and hot and so much into each other. I love this type of match and would love to see more so keep the cumming

Nick Lean

2024-04-02 19:16

(In reply to this)

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the videos. I really enjoy fighting with CJ, there is really a good chemistry that can be seen in the videos we have made. There is even more and more are coming. I'm even training him so that he can do more things to me

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