
❓ Question for my brats: Is Vitor the only one who’s into sniffing his Tamer's scent? Any other brats out there craving a whiff of that alpha musk?

Caught Vitor messing around and sniffing my underwear... So, of course, I had to teach him the right way to experience his Tamer's scent. Remember, if you want to breathe in your alpha's scent, all you have to do is ask, and I'll make sure you're put right where it’s the strongest!

Pit scent or crotch scent? Drop me a message and let me know 😏

Expect plenty of:
- Pit smothering
- Crotch smothering
- Good old-fashioned scissors to keep things tight

Cheers my brats, much love
- Brat Tamer

Alpha Scent

#Schoolboypin #Bodyscissor #Armpit #Domination #Brat Tamer
Brat Tamer

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 14:52


Dave Squeezemaster

2025-01-20 07:00

Well Brat I am back again I think I am addicted to your muscled body and how you handle other guys like this dude Hell his body is as good as yours except for those quads, I dont think I have seen anyone with bigger quads and your boi sure enjoyed being in them and suffering You are probably one of if not the strongest stud on here doing videos,, Keep it up and especially all the domination through the pit and pec scents in the studs face I could see you were really getting off on that while also showing your biceps and pecs,, Congrats again for a superior video. I do wish you were closer than Brazil winks

Brat Tamer

2025-01-20 14:27

(In reply to this)

Welcome back Dave!! Just the comment I was needing. Thanks a ton mate.
I’ve been hitting quads more and more. Amazing content coming your way


2024-10-20 06:04

Gosh I bet you have the most alpha scent there is. Your bulge and armpit that’s all I wanna smell forever for the rest of my life🙇🏼


2024-10-19 23:19

I'll tell you what, you two can double team me, one crushing with bodyscissors, the other smothering me with their balls. That would be amazing

Brat Tamer

2024-10-20 02:02

(In reply to this)

That’s an amazing idea! We could totally make that happen when you get here in Brazil!


2024-10-20 03:33

(In reply to this)

now I'm nervous

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Alpha Scent

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