
Kevin vs Sergio challange fight and lift and carry TO DECIDE WHO IS THE STRONGEST

#liftandcarry #Humandumbell #wrestlinginbed #Fightforequality #gutpunching

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 21:08



2025-02-16 10:50

Loving Sergio, especially his legs for scissoring and kicking. Hope to see a lot more of this, especially as those muscles grow 🔥✂️💪


2025-02-16 01:38

Would love to watch them fight with multiple choke outs of Kevin...


2025-02-15 05:18

First, I absolutely adore Sergio- especially when he dominates- been waiting for a Sergio vs Kevin for awhile-thx for this.
2nd- I freaking luv Sergio's physique, his muscles are incredible! however, it seems like whenever he flexes his biceps, he turns away from the camera, would luv to see him do some domination flexing over his opponent but towards the camera so we can see those incredible biceps properly! thanks.

more sergio lifting people please and thanks. thx for the vid!


2025-02-15 12:47

(In reply to this)

Thanks for youre coment, for sure we will do more posing on the next videos 😉😁


2025-02-14 02:44

Sergio is growing and getting very strong! I remember when Kevin was his size.

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Kevin vs Sergio challange fight and lift and carry TO DECIDE WHO IS THE STRONGEST

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