
Try to Seduce a Man, Gut Punched by Two

#malegutpunching #2on1 #abspunch #gut punch #gutpunch

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 10:47

Disclaimer: All models have participated in the video consensually.

English: Model Steve Cass tries to dominate and seduce a man, but his friend enters. The two men blindfold Steve and teach him a lesson by relentlessly punching his abs until he is left on the floor gasping for breath.

Español: El modelo Steve Cass intenta dominar y seducir a un hombre, pero entra su amigo. Los dos hombres le vendan los ojos a Steve y le enseñan una lección golpeando implacablemente sus abdominales hasta que se queda en el suelo sin aliento.


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Published on 2024-09-14


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Try to Seduce a Man, Gut Punched by Two

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