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An absolute grip possibly as strong as a Python. Toby is not in the best of moods and needs to let off a little steam and does so by squeezing the life almost out of his prey. Making his victim choke with the pressure, Toby does not seem to care as by the sly look he projects down. The video begins with a flex show, calm faced but moody and fueled with the energy he needs to expel, he then strikes his victim!

TOBY: Pose ﹠ Squeeze.

#twink fight #cocky muscle twink #head scissors #muscle twink fighter #twink grappler

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 27:01

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TOBY: Pose ﹠ Squeeze.

£13.99 £9.79 -30%19days08hours53minutes05seconds
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