
Three Round Ring Battle

#gaywrestling #headscissors

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PremiumHDLength: 22:25

This video is HOT! The AZ Mauler and his favorite opponent, the AZ Masked Jobber (I made that up, lol) meet in the ring, dressed in singlets, for a best of three round pro style wrestling match! Round one sees our hero dominating with some corner action, a headlock, stomps, a pin that his opponent kicks out from, a belly claw, leglock, and a final crippler crossface hold for the submission and pin! Round two has the AZ Masked Jobber dominating with his own dominant holds, including a standing head scissors, leg split, surfboard, some pins that our hero escapes, and a legock, chin pull submission and pin! Round three is ALL the AZ Mauler as he dominates with a full nelson, corner foot chokes, a clothesline (with some kickout pins), rope chokes, and a side head scissors that makes his opponent weak. Our hero then removes his singlet to reveal a small speedo and then plays with his obviously defeated foe! Scissors, crotch fondling, and face sits dominate and humiliate the jobber as he finally succumbs to er and a face sitting smother hold! You'll LOVE this epic male on male wrestling match!

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Published on 2024-10-18


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Three Round Ring Battle

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