
The W4H championship tournament continues with Cameron taking on newcomer, Javier the Hunk.

Javier may be new, but he has an impressive physique in his red singlet. There is just one glaring problem, it's Cameron, who is at least a foot taller than Javier!

Total running time: 24 minutes, 24 seconds

The Tournament - Cameron vs. Javier The Hunk

#submission #trashtalk #subwrestling

Video details

PremiumFullHDLength: 24:26

The W4H championship tournament continues with Cameron taking on newcomer, Javier the Hunk.

Javier may be new, but he has an impressive physique in his red singlet. There is just one glaring problem, it's Cameron, who is at least a foot taller than Javier!

Total running time: 24 minutes, 24 seconds

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Published on 2023-03-18


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The Tournament - Cameron vs. Javier The Hunk

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