
English: Danniel Ospina is back as "The Masked Hero". He has been kidnapped by two thugs who plan to teach him a lesson. First, he is placed in a chair and his shirt is unbuttoned. He receives an onslaught of punches to his muscular abdomen. When he is asked if he has had enough, he spits in one of the thug's face. Lifted out of the chair, he is worked over while standing up and arms held behind his back.

Español: Danniel Ospina está de regreso como "El Héroe Enmascarado". Ha sido secuestrado por dos matones que planean darle una lección. Primero, lo colocan en una silla y le desabrochan la camisa. Recibe una avalancha de golpes en su musculoso abdomen. Cuando le preguntan si ya ha tenido suficiente, escupe en la cara a uno de los matones. Lo levantan de la silla y lo trabajan mientras está de pie y con los brazos detrás de la espalda.

The Masked Hero Gut Punched

#malegutpunching #gutpunch #abspunch #2on1 #gut punch

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 12:40

English: Danniel Ospina is back as "The Masked Hero". He has been kidnapped by two thugs who plan to teach him a lesson. First, he is placed in a chair and his shirt is unbuttoned. He receives an onslaught of punches to his muscular abdomen. When he is asked if he has had enough, he spits in one of the thug's face. Lifted out of the chair, he is worked over while standing up and arms held behind his back.

Español: Danniel Ospina está de regreso como "El Héroe Enmascarado". Ha sido secuestrado por dos matones que planean darle una lección. Primero, lo colocan en una silla y le desabrochan la camisa. Recibe una avalancha de golpes en su musculoso abdomen. Cuando le preguntan si ya ha tenido suficiente, escupe en la cara a uno de los matones. Lo levantan de la silla y lo trabajan mientras está de pie y con los brazos detrás de la espalda.


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Published on 2024-04-03



2024-04-03 23:07

Good video, great shots and the hero is sexy. I would have liked that if the shirt hadn't been opened immediately and a few punches had been made


2024-04-04 00:23

(In reply to this)

Thank you for the comment. I will take your feedback into consideration for upcoming videos.

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The Masked Hero Gut Punched

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