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Competitive Submission Match w/ Ronin

This is REAL competitive submission grappling.
No fancy pro style moves.
No acting.
No breaks.

Ronin and I have wrestled before. Years ago, on a hotel mattress before Folsom Street Fair. As much fun as we had there, we knew we had to hit the mats one day and luckily we were able to finally make it happen. The video before you is the record of said rematch.

Ronin is a skilled BJJ practitioner. Sporting a purple belt, he's no pushover. Stronger, bigger, and more skilled than the last time we met, I'll have my work cut out for me.

Can I tame this BJJ beast? Or do I end up beaten and exhausted like in the last match I had against a BJJ guy? You'll have to check out the match and find out for yourself.

If you enjoy the match, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s) of the match. Tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

Tap Out: Competitive Submission w/ Ronin

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Premium4KLength: 32:23

Competitive Submission Match w/ Ronin

This is REAL competitive submission grappling.
No fancy pro style moves.
No acting.
No breaks.

Ronin and I have wrestled before. Years ago, on a hotel mattress before Folsom Street Fair. As much fun as we had there, we knew we had to hit the mats one day and luckily we were able to finally make it happen. The video before you is the record of said rematch.

Ronin is a skilled BJJ practitioner. Sporting a purple belt, he's no pushover. Stronger, bigger, and more skilled than the last time we met, I'll have my work cut out for me.

Can I tame this BJJ beast? Or do I end up beaten and exhausted like in the last match I had against a BJJ guy? You'll have to check out the match and find out for yourself.

If you enjoy the match, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s) of the match. Tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

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Published on 2024-05-02

1 Comment


2024-05-06 05:56

Awesome. Very fun to watch. He had enough game even though you largely dominated him. Even hotter? Take on an equal. Only thing you haven't done yet. :-)

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Tap Out: Competitive Submission w/ Ronin

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