Superman humilated , balls destroyed and convulsion of pain ( BEST BALLBUSTING EVER )!
#superman #ballsgrampling #Best of #gutpunching #sleperholds #koVideo details
Clark Kent arrives at a abandoned construction site to report on a crime.
- Clark fights with the villain (who has Kryptonite in his possession) and quickly gets knocked out. During the struggle, Clark loses his dress shoes, and his white socks become dirty at the bottom.
- Unconscious Clark lies on the dirty ground, the villain admires the handsome reporter's body, unbuttons the hero's dress shirt, and is elated to discover that he has knocked out Superman.
- Villain puts Superman, who is still dazed and barely conscious, up against the wall, arms up and hands tied to the wall. The hero still wears his dress pants at this point.
- Villain slaps Superman's face to wake him up. Superman is weakened, but defiant. With his hands tied, Superman kicks the Villain.
- Furious Villain gets up from the ground and grabs Superman's socked foot as the hero tries feebly to kick again.
- Villain punishes Superman by zapping the hero's dirty socked foot, causing the hero's body to shake uncontrollably.
- Superman almost gets knocked out from the pain. As he catches his breath, Villain pulls off Superman's dress pants. Superman is now in full uniform minus his boots.
- Villain continues to torrrtuure Superman by zapping his poor crotch. - Superman's armpits are drenched in sweat, his mouth frothing. Superman goes in and out of consscioussness during the torrrture, his body goes into a spasm whenever he is zapped.
- Superman gets punched, his balls get squeezed, kicked, and zapped mercilessly, till the pain is too much to bear and the hero embarrassingly starts uriiinating in his spandex suit.Villain eventually unties Superman's hands, and Superman collapses to the ground, sweaty, fatigued, and barely connscious. Legs wobbling, Superman gets up, jumps up in the air (barely) in an attempt to escape, but falls stupidly back on the ground.
- Villain laughs, rams the taser into Superman's butt, and knocks out Superman for the last time.
- Villan exits.
- The video ends with Superman laying on the ground, unnconscious, whole body twitching and convvulsing lightly.
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2023-08-09 16:58I want to see a video of Superman in jeans being bullied more. Torture him more and torment him
2023-07-27 23:42LOVE THIS CLIP!! Hopefully Superman will be captured again soon and be zapped mercilessly by the villain!
2023-07-27 23:49I guess he will be again ! I have olso some good new storry for you guys ! Stay closse and font miss them !
2023-07-22 16:04Really great video! I love seeing Clark get exposed and stripped down to his Superman suit. Would have liked to see him rolled around and getting his suit a bit dirtier at the end but besides that - perfection!
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2024-01-20 11:27