Submision with no hand Challange
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FreeDownloadableLength: 1:54
I must admit that I've used the expression enough but this is the first no hands handicap I've seen.
Excellent legwork BTW. 🔥🦵🔥👌
2023-10-12 22:31Thanks a lot!!! I WILL REMAKE ONE CHALLANGE LIKE THIS NEXT DAYS IF YOU LIKE , REALL CHALLANGE , EATHER i make him time or he will make me tap or unconscios me 💪💪😉
2023-12-02 15:24Can't wait to see who you take on next. The last match I watched you had your hands full with a tenacious and fearless lightweight challenger that gave you a good run for your money. Now there is a feisty young man destined for glory. Please pass on my admiration, condolences and praise. And thank you for posting free clips that we can watch!
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24 / 821150 minutes
2023-10-12 21:52