
Joey Nux is looking better than ever before. But a body like Joey’s takes a lot of hard work, and he’s looking for a good workout. Enter...Todd the Rod?

Todd’s a meaty, pale, hairy guy who looks like he should be managing an office. yet within seconds of their first lockup, Joey is jobbing for this average Joe like it’s his job!

Joey is sleepered, choked, gagged, and gouged until he’s red in the face. Could this be the end of the body builder? Nah, Todd’s got a lesson of his own to learn as his hairy bod is nelsoned, cameled, and crushed by Joey.

But Joey’s still got some fight in him! Who will come out of this victorious? The muscle bound bodybuilder, or the meaty dudebro?

Run time: 20 minutes, 42 seconds

Sleepers! Joey Nux vs. Todd The Rod

#sleeperhold #prowrestling #knockout #knockedout

Video details

PremiumHDDownloadableLength: 20:27

Joey Nux is looking better than ever before. But a body like Joey’s takes a lot of hard work, and he’s looking for a good workout. Enter...Todd the Rod?

Todd’s a meaty, pale, hairy guy who looks like he should be managing an office. yet within seconds of their first lockup, Joey is jobbing for this average Joe like it’s his job!

Joey is sleepered, choked, gagged, and gouged until he’s red in the face. Could this be the end of the body builder? Nah, Todd’s got a lesson of his own to learn as his hairy bod is nelsoned, cameled, and crushed by Joey.

But Joey’s still got some fight in him! Who will come out of this victorious? The muscle bound bodybuilder, or the meaty dudebro?

Run time: 20 minutes, 42 seconds

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Published on 2024-07-14


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Sleepers! Joey Nux vs. Todd The Rod

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