
sfmm-39 Hu Xin vs. Dong ( Gut Punch )

#gut #punch #punching #boxing #chinese

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 26:53

sfmm-39 Hu Xin vs. Dong ( Gut Punch )


(26 minutes in total)
Dong is the captain of the special operations team.
A member of the previous action team was captured by evil forces,
and the clue points to an underground boxing gym.
In order to rescue his team members, Dong sneaked into the underground boxing gym,
unaware that he had already fallen into the enemy's trap...

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Published on 2024-06-20



2025-01-15 20:38

Hu's muscles are beautiful! And he beats like a machine he fuckin never stops!! Every time i think he's done he comes back and starts up again.

Xu should tie him to the ropes with arms spread out for the entire video and punch continuously his abs with no breaks to train his endurance.

Then Part 2, beat his abs with two wooden sticks without stopping for endurance training.

I love that you guys do longer videos than other studios. These videos are good for guys into edging.


2024-06-24 16:19

huxin's muscles are hotter than before and dong's acting and painful sound are the most sexy
and After 20 minutes and 20 seconds, it doesn't sync

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sfmm-39 Hu Xin vs. Dong ( Gut Punch )

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