
SERIAL Gut Puncher (Part 3) Bound ﹠ Punched

#malegutpunching #abspunch #gut punch #gutpunch #bondage
Bundle 4 47:26
SERIAL Gut Puncher Series
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Danniel Ospina's Greatest HITS
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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 12:09

English: Danniel Ospina stops by a man's workshop garage on a hot sunny day. He takes off his shirt and sits down when the man ties Danniel to the chair. The man is intent to punch Danniel's abdominals in a sadistic manner. After several minutes of intense punching, the serial gut puncher ties Danniel's arms over his head and continues beating Danniel's bruised and battered muscled stomach.

Español: Daniel Ospina pasa por el taller de un hombre en un día caluroso y soleado. Se quita la camisa y se sienta cuando el hombre ata a Daniel a la silla. El hombre tiene la intención de golpear los abdominales de Daniel de una manera sádica. Después de varios minutos de intensos golpes, el golpeador en serie ata los brazos de Danniel sobre su cabeza y continúa golpeando el estómago magullado y musculoso de Danniel.


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Published on 2023-04-22



2023-05-23 00:33

It is a great pity that these are not real punches. You pay money for the video.


2023-05-23 01:21

(In reply to this)

Atlantanick, these punches may not be to the level of intensity that you may be able to withstand. I'm not sure since I do not see any videos of you receiving punches. However, it does not mean that the punches are not real. The models are doing the best they can and you are paying at most $12. Come on, man. There are some really good punches here. Please show us what type of punches you want and we will try to make that for you.


2023-04-22 23:26

This puncher enjoys destroying Ospina's gut. Bravo!!!

TWr21 (deleted member)

2023-04-22 20:28

Nice !!!!!!!!!!

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SERIAL Gut Puncher (Part 3) Bound ﹠ Punched

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