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FreeFullHDLength: 0:46
Little clip Sweet Squatter took from our session last night. He later grabbed my hand as I was tapping and held it until I passed out, and he said he kept holding the pressure and watched me slowly go rigid and once my arm pulled away, he leaned back and squeezed for 10 seconds longer, because I “wasn’t seizing enough”. I woke up 15 seconds later and came everywhere 🤭😆😈
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Published on 2024-10-01
Feroce DeLeon
2024-10-05 20:23Haha ya man we didn’t record it but it was really deep. Look at my matches for sale from 2023 lots of deep KOs there
Feroce DeLeon
2024-10-02 20:20He’s a power lifter for a number of years at my gym and def not skinny, wicked strong haha :)
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13 / 23174 minutes
2024-10-05 20:09