
Rob Steel V Tripp Evans - BODYBUILDER BEAT DOWN -

#robsteel #trippevans #bodybuilder #muscle
Muscleboy Wrestling

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PremiumHDLength: 34:56

Every now and then a truly sexy and supercharged matchup comes along on MBW. Rob Steel vs super punk Tripp Evans is truly one of those magical matches. These two go at it with such reckless abandon you would think the world is about to end. Starting in sexy tight trunks and graduating to "show it all" jockstraps, this sweat soaked stunner will make the summer heat seem like Alaska. This match has all the hallmarks of a classic: long held mat holds, plexes and slams, and lots of drilling each other's body parts with their fists. What sets it apart is just how much these two boys want to shove their junk and their ass in each other’s faces!! Both take turns riding their opponents face like a drunken cowboy on a rodeo bull. And considering these two bodybuilders have the most muscled set of legs this side of John Cena all you will have to decide on is how many hundreds of times you will rewind this heart pounding clash of the bubble butts!

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Published on 2023-11-14


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Rob Steel V Tripp Evans - BODYBUILDER BEAT DOWN -

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