Preview: He can't ask to stop - Andrew Blindfolds and Muffles Bodybuilder Wannabe
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In this intense scene, Bodybuilder Wannabe finds himself completely restrained to a chair, unable to see or speak through the tactical tape. Andrew demonstrates his complete control over the situation, methodically testing his captive's endurance. The session shows how even the strongest can be rendered helpless when properly subdued.
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This is the most we've ever seen of your face and I knew it would be a handsome one! Also love how you so willingly submit to torture and dominance! As a muscle stud you could completely show yourself overpowering opponents, but you prefer the role of teddy bear, which is why I love when you wear the doggy masks‼️💪🏼🔥🤤
16 days agoI would DEFINITELY buy that video. Then the two of you could beat up Gut Punch Akeno!
15 days ago