Posted on 2023-09-07#breathcontrol #choking #ko #footworship #footdomination
This content is made available for free by M P J.

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Hey people!

I've had a few people messaging asking for just the breath control portion of my video with Kirk, as they might not be into feet. Or visa versa, with a few asking for just the worship portion, as breath control might not be their thing - both equally valid, of course!

So, what I've done is split the video into two, and now you've got the option of either vid to suit your kinks. Alternatively, the full original cut is still available. Options for everybody! 👍🏻

A huge thank you as always to everyone who has bought the original video and/or supported Kirk and I, we couldn't do what we do without ya 😊

Now go and enjoy, ya sluts 😘

