
Nick Vs Anonymus Fighter - Erotic Wrestling

#erotic wrestling #hard wrestling #fight #camera man
Nick Lean

Video details

Premium4KLength: 33:56

Intense and erotic fight!

Some time ago I had already fought against this fighter. So we decided to give the revenge after having measured ourselves previously. Great was the surprise when at the beginning of our fight I was totally surprised by his strength and the ease as he submitted me. I felt quite overwhelmed and wanting to give him what he deserved, so I was more prepared to continue. and although I gave him a battle throughout the fight, the supremacy of this fighter could be felt.

Intense half-hour battle between me and the anonymous fighter trying to endure his strength and his tricks so as not to be exposed and defeated.

First video with a cameraman for you, and in which he not only recorded but was forced to participate. My favorite jobber was also a victim and forced to participate. He was even forced to attack me even though I defended him. He betrayed me trying to make me subdue but I showed him who is still his teacher.

After intense scenes you will also see how this fighter not only boasts of defeating the protagonist but also forces the cameraman to strip off his clothes and get into the fight. This only so that he is later subdued by him. and not only he but me and Cj were crushed on top of each other while anonymus gave us our deserved.

Enjoy this intense battle full of strength, good angles, keys, sexy gears, betrayal, defeat and victories.

¡Lucha intensa y erótica!

Hace algún tiempo ya había luchado contra este peleador. así que decidimos dar la revancha luego de habernos medido anteriormente. Grande fue la sorpresa cuando en el inicio de nuestra lucha quede totalmente sorprendido de su fuerza y la facilidad como me sometió. me sentí bastante abrumado y con ganas de darle su merecido, así que estuve más preparado para seguir. y aunque le di batalla a lo largo de la lucha la supremacia de este luchador se pudo notar.

Intensa batalla de media hora entre yo y el luchador anónimo tratando de soportar su fuerza y sus trucos para no quedar expuesto y derrotado.

Primer video con camarógrafo para ustedes, y en el cual no solo grabó sino que fue obligado a participar. Mi jobber favorito fue también víctima y obligado a participar. Incluso fue forzado a atacarme a pesar que yo lo defendí. Me traicionó tratando de hacerme someter pero le enseñe quien sigue siendo su maestro.

Luego de intensas escenas también veras como este luchador no solo se jacta de derrotar al protagonista sino que obliga al camarógrafo a despojarse de su ropa y meterse en la lucha. Esto solo para que después sea sometido por él. y no solo él sino yo y Cj fuimos aplastados uno encima del otro mientras anonymus nos daba nuestro merecido.

Disfruta esta intensa batalla llena de fuerza, buenos ángulos, llaves, sexy gears, traición, derrota y victorias.


Created by

Nick Lean

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Published on 2024-05-10


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Nick Vs Anonymus Fighter - Erotic Wrestling

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