
Sunny Deleon (5'6", 140 lbs, Canada)
Postman Pat (6'0", 180 lbs, Canada)

Postman Pat’s your average, lean, hairy dude ready to fight it out with an impressive as hell Sunny Deleon. These guys start on their knees, their bodies slapping together suddenly. Pat finds himself trapped between Sunny’s thighs, surprised as hell at the little guy’s power.

Pat’s gear nearly comes off after the first lockup, his ass crack exposed in humiliating clarity as he struggles to straddle the bucking bronco that is Sunny.

But now Pat knows what he’s dealing with, and he comes at Sunny accordingly, including some gut punching.

This is an epically equal battle, made especially entertaining by the constant back-and-forth dialogue between the two spiteful scrappers.

Total Runtime: 21 minutes, 41 seconds

NHB - Sunny DeLeon vs. Postman Pat

#submission #subwrestling #matwrestling #barefoot

Video details

PremiumHDDownloadableLength: 21:40

Sunny Deleon (5'6", 140 lbs, Canada)
Postman Pat (6'0", 180 lbs, Canada)

Postman Pat’s your average, lean, hairy dude ready to fight it out with an impressive as hell Sunny Deleon. These guys start on their knees, their bodies slapping together suddenly. Pat finds himself trapped between Sunny’s thighs, surprised as hell at the little guy’s power.

Pat’s gear nearly comes off after the first lockup, his ass crack exposed in humiliating clarity as he struggles to straddle the bucking bronco that is Sunny.

But now Pat knows what he’s dealing with, and he comes at Sunny accordingly, including some gut punching.

This is an epically equal battle, made especially entertaining by the constant back-and-forth dialogue between the two spiteful scrappers.

Total Runtime: 21 minutes, 41 seconds

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Published on 2024-07-07


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NHB - Sunny DeLeon vs. Postman Pat

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