
Muscle worship with Denny


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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 15:00



2023-09-04 10:11

Miss videos like this!! The best kind. You, the king. Dominating beautiful twinks like Marius. Wish you make more like it


2023-09-04 14:09

(In reply to this)

Well if you look at the likes on this post are only 4 likes , If people dosent like the post or support with a tip, like , etc , how cann I know is it good or not?


2023-09-05 23:54

(In reply to this)

The titles and description are not clear. You never know for sure who is in video and what is happening. I would not trust the likes or tips unless you have more organized descriptions. I think it's obvious Marius is one of most popular!


2022-10-20 18:33

You and Marius are the perfect pairing! Sexy muscle god in just his briefs getting worshipped by curly haired prettyboy, shirtless and barefoot before his master. Love when you have him in a headlock at the end, his pale, skinny body looks so weak next to yours, love watching him kiss your massive biceps.


2022-02-16 18:28

More breast sucking and abs licking pls! New subscriber here. 🙂

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Muscle worship with Denny

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