
Web Wonder is patrolling the city when he comes across Might Muscle, who asks, "Are you looking for trouble?" Web Wonder responds and Mighty Muscle answers not with his words, but with his actions.

Putting Web Wonder in a headlock which Web Wonder manages to escape with both a timely and well placed low blow, because "Every villain has the same sweet spot."

Mighty Muscle collapses to the ground, writhing in pain. Web Wonder presses the advantage and puts him in a stretching position that targets the lower back of Mighty Muscle.

Web Wonder knows how to deliver the pain, and soon he is stretching his opponents legs while his feet are firmly placed in his crotch, crushing Mighty Muscle's balls. Some stomps to the midsection continue the pain, followed by another lowblow, punches to Mighty Muscle's chest and more arm bars.

Mighty Muscle does not what has hit him...

TOTAL RUN-TIME: 22 minutes, 34 seconds

Looking for Trouble - Web Wonder vs. Mighty Muscle (Bjorn)

#goodvsevil #herohunks #heroworship #superhero #muscle

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 22:33

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Looking for Trouble - Web Wonder vs. Mighty Muscle (Bjorn)

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