
Is there no safe place for Alex Oliver? He can’t even get into a car without somebody jumping his tight, sorry ass.

Enter man’s man Damien Rush, armed with a rag doused with chloroform.

A fully clothed Oliver is awoken by an ice cold chain around his neck. Rush is dressed for success, sporting a low cut black singlet that perfectly frames those legendarily hairy shoulders, armpits, legs, and chest.

Oliver is stripped, revealing red Speedos, like he somehow knew to dress for the occasion. Off comes the shirt, and in comes Rush with a full briefcase of toys for everybody’s favorite little bitchboy.

Total Run-time: 23 minutes

Knocked Out - Alex Oliver vs. Damien Rush

#punishment #knockout #knockedout #sleeperhold

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PremiumDownloadableLength: 22:47

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Knocked Out - Alex Oliver vs. Damien Rush

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