
Jonny Firestorm vs. D Dan

#sleeper hold #chops #gut punching #tombstone piledriver #intense ring fight
Jonny Firestorm

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Premium4KLength: 32:34

D Dan was in town finishing his summer holiday as one should, stepping in the ring with Jonny Firestorm. I've never seen D Dan wrestle before, but Aryx Quinn told me he was a "pretty good" wrestler. He undersold him quite a bit. This match is an intense non stop sweaty ring fight. Gut punches, chest chops, elbow drops, punches and knee lifts galore! Just when I get the upper hand with a neck breaker, Dan will come roaring back with a fall away slam. I lock in a cobra clutch, he gets a sleeper. We go tit for tat, testing our limits. This match can only end one way, with the loser KO'ed, the winner battered, exhausted and drenched in sweat. The main event of Birthday Bundle 1 will not disappoint fans of intense pro action.

For a limited time this video is part of a Bundle of matches available from 7/29-8/5. 5 hot matches for the price of 4. After that it will only be available on WF. The bundle with more photos, and a video trailer is available here

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Published on 2024-07-29

1 Comment


2024-08-22 10:51

Friggin' hot video...

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Jonny Firestorm vs. D Dan

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