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Erotic Squash Match w/ Neil Rey

Welcome back class! This is Jobber Destruction 102: How to Handle an Insatiable Jobber. I'm Professor Dixon. Let's get started 😈.

When you have a mouthy, insatiable jobber such as Neil Rey, it can cause problems if left unchecked. He'll TRY to "assert dominance" and "taunt" you even when he's in no position to. There are many methods to break this behavior, but we'll focus on one of my favorites today: breaking him down slowly. Tips:

  • Start the match out dominant, but not too intense. You don't wanna scare your jobber away.
  • Take your time, he can't go anywhere because you won't let him.
  • Keep reminding him who's in charge, either through verbal confirmation or displaying what happens when he challenges you (this is where you can throw in meaner tactics).

At this point, you may start to notice their moaning increase, this is a good sign. They're starting to enter Jobber Euphoria. Once you have them here, they're basically wet clay in your hands.

Unfortunately, that's as far as this class will take you, we can cover next steps in JD103. Enjoy this live demonstration of techniques, until then.

Be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s) of the match. And tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

Jobber Destruction 102 w/ Neil Rey

#Domination #Speedos #Chokes #Scissors #Ass2Face
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Premium4KLength: 21:50

Erotic Squash Match w/ Neil Rey

Welcome back class! This is Jobber Destruction 102: How to Handle an Insatiable Jobber. I'm Professor Dixon. Let's get started 😈.

When you have a mouthy, insatiable jobber such as Neil Rey, it can cause problems if left unchecked. He'll TRY to "assert dominance" and "taunt" you even when he's in no position to. There are many methods to break this behavior, but we'll focus on one of my favorites today: breaking him down slowly. Tips:

  • Start the match out dominant, but not too intense. You don't wanna scare your jobber away.
  • Take your time, he can't go anywhere because you won't let him.
  • Keep reminding him who's in charge, either through verbal confirmation or displaying what happens when he challenges you (this is where you can throw in meaner tactics).

At this point, you may start to notice their moaning increase, this is a good sign. They're starting to enter Jobber Euphoria. Once you have them here, they're basically wet clay in your hands.

Unfortunately, that's as far as this class will take you, we can cover next steps in JD103. Enjoy this live demonstration of techniques, until then.

Be sure to let us know, in the comments, your favorite part(s) of the match. And tell us what you wanna see in future matches from us.

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Published on 2024-03-21

1 Comment

JJ Victus

2024-06-16 10:32

Neil spread out like butter is too perfect

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Jobber Destruction 102 w/ Neil Rey

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