
A very intense bullying where Alex provides a variety of ball squeezing, wedgies, PLUS bending my body with different grueling moves to increase the painful sensations even more.

Total length: 16:21 min

Intense Bed Bullying

#ball squeezing #bullying #gut punching #leather jacket
Gut Punch AKENO

Video details

PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 16:21

A very intense bullying where Alex provides a variety of ball squeezing, wedgies, PLUS bending my body with different grueling moves to increase the painful sensations even more.

Total length: 16:21 min

Created by

Gut Punch AKENO

More like this

Published on 2024-09-13



2024-09-30 09:07

Still enjoying this vid Akeno, gets better with each re-watch! One detail that makes it so thrilling is how convincing you are when Alex has your balls in his claws: your fantastic muscles all tensed, your cries of 'Don't squeeze', 'You'll pull them out', the final submission to Alex (I hope IRL he's taking care with your balls - bigger doesn't necessarily mean tougher and you've got quite a pair!). You seemed even more terrified when he put his hand in your briefs, so I can't imagine what you'll be like when your balls are finally exposed in the remake! Looking forward to what's to come in your remake!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-30 14:27

(In reply to this)

Happy to hear that you are enjoying this video to the utmost :}
Oh yes not knowing how hard he was about to squeeze my balls once he reached into my briefs, was terrifying indeed.
Can‘t wait to create the remake with Alex hehe


2024-09-25 09:27

This is one of the best ball-squeezing wrestling videos I've seen on this site. Gorgeous submission by hunky Akeno and I love it when a jobber knows he's defenseless due to his bulge being caught in another's grip (the gasps, breathing, mentions of 'Not my balls!'). If I were to make suggestions for future (remake) videos: lose the jacket, some flexing, showing-off, self-fondling before the fight (almost as if you know your big balls are your most precious parts that you're proudest of - makes it far more thrilling when Alex decides to man-handle them during the match), more under-brief grabs and definitely revealing your balls at the end! Great match, look forward to more!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-25 16:17

(In reply to this)

Wow thats an amazing compliment, thank you!
I‘ve took notes and your suggestions will be implemented in the remake :}
Appreciate your input.


2024-09-25 17:29

(In reply to this)

No problem Akeno! It was well deserved! You both give great performances: Alex relishing his power over you and you writhing to escape his hold.

Enjoyed watching and re-watching this match, and very excited it will be remade. Thank you for taking the suggestions on board! I think giving yourselves an arc will make this already fantastic match even better - you as the young. hunky, arrogant wrestler who loves his big balls and thinks he can beat Alex with ease, but soon realising they are the mercy of the older, beefier wrestler and will be put on display in humiliation...would be a tantalising watch!

Thanks for responding, can't wait for the remake!


2024-09-16 12:07

And kudos to the torturer of Akeno's junk - Excellent job! Hopefully next time harder ass smacks, more inside undies and exposed balls (and cock at end). Even so, "great" job!


2024-09-16 11:52

Awesome! But I almost didn't buy it because of the leather jacket! Why jacket??? But torturing Akeno's junk is super hot & arousing! Squeezing & twisting Akeno's cock & balls so steamy! But wanted more "inside his skimpy undies" squeezing & cock & ball twisting! Slap those balls harder! Turn those luscious ass cheeks crimson with big smacks!! Expose those balls! And add some serious nipple pinching & twisting too! And then slam him on his back and strip him naked!!! Yes! Thank you!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-16 16:46

(In reply to this)

Hi, thanks and glad you enjoyed it anyways.
The leather jacket was a request, hence why I wore it ;-)
Next time I can tell Alex to smack my cheeks even more and add nipple pinching and more.


2024-09-18 13:12

(In reply to this)

So this was a "request" video. Do you simply make videos following suggestions by customers? Is there a set request form for videos? Obviously I am interested in your making a video where I direct the action of Alex abusing your perfect naked muscle body. Hope to hear back from you. Thank you again for this and all my purchased Akeno videos!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-18 22:14

(In reply to this)

I always listen to all the ideas, suggestions and request by my customers :)
And most of the things they request and suggest I am definitely willing to implement. You‘ve given me great ideas and directions of what you want to see Alex doing to my body next time. I‘ve put it in my list for the next filming session with him. I guess there will be scenes where he reveals my balls ;-)
Thank you for your cool input and for you support.


2024-09-19 13:24

(In reply to this)

Hi Akeno. I've lost count how many times I've watched "Intense Bedroom Bullying," each time more exciting and salaciously thrilling than the last (lol)! Along with your provocative acting and Alex's great skill at putting you in the most erotic positions displaying your gorgeous, delicious near naked muscle body praise belongs to your camera man and to whoever edited the video. Great job by all parties!
"Pec & Balls Fondling" (11/2023) and "Sensuality & Crotch Caressing" (03/2024) first time your vid partner not only fondles but begins some light abuse/torturing of your junk, including exposing your balls. These 2 vids bought for that and not for the caressing & fondling. (lol)
Since so many of your videos feature serious pinching/twisting & torturing your delicious nipples and pecs with fingers, clamps and suction cups, I'm assuming you enjoy letting us, your fans, savor guys torturing your near naked muscle body.
Thank you - looking for more and more torturing and less and less clothing! (lol) Gustav50

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-19 21:06

(In reply to this)

Wow thank you! That is definitely a fantastic compliment and brought a good smirk on my face ;-)
In the „Intense Bedroom Bullying“ we didn‘t have a camera man. We recorded with two cameras, each from a distinct angle, so that the scene would be captured as best as possible. I have edited the video myself (as I always do), going back and forth between those two camera angles in the right moment to create the most exciting viewing pleasure. Glad you enjoyed it!
And I can assure you more videos of that kind are coming hehe


2024-09-23 12:00

(In reply to this)

Dear Akeno - I can't help myself, I love love love seeing your gorgeous near naked muscle body bashed, bruised and brutalized, especially your junk, nipples and ass cheeks, by Alex or anyone else. My only question, How do I apply for Alex's job? lol - Gustav50.

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-24 21:38

(In reply to this)

Hahha I‘m glad you enjoy it so passionately ;-)
I‘ve talked to Alex about a remake of this video with more balls grabbing into the briefs and revealing of my balls PLUS plenty of spanking.
You want to apply for Alex‘s job? Write me a DM lol


2024-09-24 22:47

(In reply to this)

If I were younger (I'm 79) and had Alex's muscle body, I most assuredly would apply! Of course I also live in France so rather impractical if I didn't live close enough to afford whatever travel/living expenses such a job would require. lol But I can dream about it and enjoy Alex torturing your gorgeous (near) naked perfect muscle body and VERY sexy face! And I want you to know just how much I appreciate the fact that you have taken the time to reply to "all" my questions...and comments.
Je t'embrasse. Gustav50/Willard
[I also felt instinctively that (c) was your answer. Maybe one day you might change your mind...of such desires, dreams are made hehehe] I am your most devoted fan!!!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-25 08:06

(In reply to this)

There is still plenty of life in you ;-)
I will create more fantastic and pleasurable videos with Alex in that style and I‘m going to implement your ideas and suggestions. This way you can immerse yourself completely into the atmosphere of the video, feeling as if you are the one doing it hehe.
You‘re welcome buddy and I‘m glad to have you as such an amazing and devoted fan :>
PS: Dreams can come true haha


2024-09-25 14:15

(In reply to this)

Ok, I know, you just added your PS to make me go crazy with (maybe) anticipation lol! And the "haha" was a bit of a deflation, but my dream of naked dreams of a heartfelt desire (your beautiful muscle body full naked) reality left me reeling, intoxicated with the possibility! And Alex of course is certainly comfortable in performing naked as several videos with him attest.
So, warmest and most grateful regards for you and your videos!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-25 16:21

(In reply to this)

Willard, you always bring a big smirk on my face with your comments :>
Thank you for that as well!
Have a great weekend, cheers!


2024-09-27 19:53

(In reply to this)

Dear Akeno - you do realize don't you that a few times when Alex pulls on your cock, at least a quarter to a third of your cock is exposed, right?! Well, I suspect with a little practice, Alex could probably expose even more of your pretty cock (even the whole of it)! I suggest you take Alex aside and give him some cock exposure lessons! I'll bet dollars to donuts he's a quick learner!!! lol hahahaha

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-28 14:14

(In reply to this)

Hahahha yepp I‘m pretty sure he is very skilled in that ;-)
And I have feeling that in the remake of bed bullying, there will be some exposure of my balls… oh oh :,)


2024-09-28 19:45

(In reply to this)

Dear Akeno - I would be remiss if I did not also compliment Alex (and you) for the impishly snarky faces he makes when he looks directly into the camera! It really adds to my relished enjoyment of watching him manhandle and abuse your gorgeous near naked muscle body!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-29 18:38

(In reply to this)

Hahahah you are absolutely right! His impishly snarky faces are very unique and so fitting to the whole vibe of the videos. He is fantastic in his role!
in case he doesn’t read it here, I will tell him that the next time I see him ;-)


2024-10-02 10:30

(In reply to this)

Hi Akeno. You remember your "Erotic abs frontage w/Alex au naturel video", wearing your black mini thong...well, can't decide whether you should wear your red or blue cock sock (and lose it at the end or half way through) for next junk & nipple torture session. Extremely difficult decision for you to make. I'm leaning toward the blue or better yet, maybe you can find a T back bikini bottom? lol haha Happy Wednesday to you my sexy muscle boy!

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-10-03 12:33

(In reply to this)

Hahahah yea I can also work with a black bikini bottom ;-)
Either way, I will wear something skimpy and revealing for the next junk & nipple torture session :P
Have a great week!


2024-10-13 10:29

(In reply to this)

Greetings Akeno - In Alternating GP Part 2, you strip Alex naked and have fun abusing his junk and abs...Awesome! Of course, I (and I suspect a myriad of your fans) hope you will shoot a video with Alex (or any other tormentor) stripping you naked and abusing your junk and abs...and nipples too! hehehe Hoping against hope for dream fantasy reality!?!! Love you, Akeno. You are fucking amazing model and soul !

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-10-13 16:17

(In reply to this)

Hi Gustav!
Yes I got many requests regarding exposing my body completely. However there are some things that I am just not comfortable doing and that is one of those things. But there will definitely be scenes dedicated to my balls, getting their share of exposure ;-)


2024-10-31 23:16

(In reply to this)

As I've mentioned before, I watched this vid so many times, I've lost count. And in all those viewing, I have observed that with a little preplanning preparation, it is quite possible for Alex to expose, squeeze and twist and torture both balls while at the same time keeping your pretty cock covered. Hope to see it. I'm ready to take Alex's role in a pvt video with you & me! How do I apply? lol for real...

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-11-05 11:40

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Yepp I‘m sure Alex is very capable of doing that ;-) I‘m just waiting for him to visit me again and then it‘s showtime :P

As to how to apply: Well first you gotta go through all the motions in your mind, kinda make a mind movie of it, but from your POV. And when you did that, a way might reveal itself for the creation of that pvt in the flesh haha


2024-11-06 13:37

(In reply to this)

Ok Akeno, cryptic as usual. I definitely have a few scenarios in mind to play in "my" video(s) with you. And of course in "my" videos with you (only for me of course !), half way through I (the vilain) strip you totally naked with complete access to your vulneralbe gorgeous naked muscle body to torture you in the same manner as all your vilains like Alex et al ! mmm
Just curious, I find you and other sites on, which I'm guessing is a sort of umbrella website for content like yours. But no one seems interested in sharing any information on their connection to this site or to the site (Watchfighters) itself. Are you physically located in the same city or country as Watchfighters? Are you free to share such information or is it private?


2024-10-05 12:49

(In reply to this)

Hi Akeno - Started to purchase the 2 new superman vids, but website added $169 to the price of Part 1 and believe it is for a monthly subscription fee. If this is true (monthly fee), then probably no more purchases from this site. But I do love and shall enjoy the vids I have bought over the past many years - both yours and from one other site showcased on this website. All my best wishes to you and wishing you continual success for your marvelous videos! (I am Amadeus271 on X [formerly Twitter] in case we can meet there for other chat). Gustav50

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-11-05 11:45

(In reply to this)

Hi Gustav, $169 added? OKaaaay, dunno where those are coming from, since I don‘t offer a monthly subscription option here. The support should be able to shed light on this. Hope it gets resolved :)
As for X, I am using it solely to post previews of my released videos, not to chat. But you can write me here with ideas etc. :D
Thank you for your best wishes, I appreciate it!

PS: This comment box gets way too cluttered and confusing. It‘s better to write in the DMs


2024-09-21 11:11

(In reply to this)

Just curious, do not show cock because: a) legal issue; b) website rule; c) personal choice: or d) other?

Gut Punch AKENO

2024-09-24 21:38

(In reply to this)

Because of c)


2024-09-17 15:14

(In reply to this)

I did enjoy it, hugely! I love seeing your junk tortured and squeezed and twisted (and obviously more "under" the undies grabbing your junk directly very appreciated) - so hot! Understand about jacket, each of us has individual tastes and great that you could grant his (or her???) request. lol Yes, do have Alex pinch and twist your nipples, punch directly on nipples, gut punches too and continue abusing/torturing your junk! I think it might be possible to expose your balls and maybe even your cock covered (at least end) by Alex's hand. Love all the vids of you I've purchased! Huge Thank you! Gustav50

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