Posted on 2023-08-11
This content is made available for free by M P J.


I was due to meet Denny on 15th July. He asked for €200 as a security deposit; he said 90% of his meets are flakes, and this weeds out the serious people. I appreciated that he's a big name, and I know the frustration of people flaking on me last minute, so I thought fair enough, and I paid it. He sent it right back, saying I had to send it as Family & Friends, so neither of our accounts got flagged for escort services, so that's what I did.

3 weeks later, he messages me saying we're going to have to cancel. He didn't realise we are no longer part of the EU and has been travelling around Europe using only his ID; since he doesn't have his passport, he can't get in the UK. He says he can't pay me back right now, but he can in two weeks maximum. I'm obviously very disappointed, but I say OK.

Two weeks later, I message asking if he can repay me. He says no, but he will pay me a chunk of Β£50 the next day.

The next day, I check, and he says he is awaiting some money from 'some people'. I say OK, and I will check in tomorrow.

As you can see, I did not receive a single reply after that, despite me being able to see Read receipts for every message I sent.

On 7th August, I sent him a message saying he has until the end of the next day to pay me back, or I will be reporting him on WatchFighters and Insta. Shortly after, I found myself blocked on both.

I've been watching this man's videos for nearly a decade, so to have him scam me is disappointing enough. But for him to just ignore me for 3 weeks and then block me entirely? Fun fact, I sent him a request for my money on PayPal this morning, begging for my money back, saying I can't afford my rent without it. It was rejected within 5 minutes.

I don't consider myself a petty person, and lord knows I have been patient with this man. But enough is enough. This man is a scam artist, and everyone needs to know. So please, share this post wherever you can, and report his Insta (@denny.hellbo.fighter) and WatchFighters (HellboDenny) accounts. I don't want this to happen to anybody else.

And Denny, if you read this, just know that how you treat your fans is inhuman, and you deserve whatever repercussions come from this.

Evidence: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dmnUCE-rEJqGz-IOCVmW2qIjeUZw5QVa




15 days ago

Hello. My contacts with Denny have been, so far, through texts and phone calls. As far as money goes, he always said to me to wait until we found ourselves to be, at the very least, in the same country (I am mostly in Belgium most of the time, he's in Romania). So, no wrong doings with me.


2024-03-30 08:19

Watchfighters could disable his profile ?

Daniel Erwin

2024-01-20 01:48

I had a semi similar issue with him before he wanted 1500 for a meeting which included airfare and i said i can do 3 small payments of 500 as i dont make enough and would've gotten him a motel room for a few days and he was just rude to me rt after

david mcconnell

2024-01-23 16:36

(In reply to this)

Hi Daniel hope you don't mind me asking do you come from England and what dates did you arrange to meet him?

Daniel Erwin

2024-01-23 20:33

(In reply to this)

I dont im in nyc we didnt fully set up a date i told him i would have to do small payments of 500 but he messaged me back rudely

david mcconnell

2023-12-16 16:13

Just a follow up to my meetings with Hellbo so he flew over to meet me not asking for money just to hang out, i got to admit he was kind and caring helping me to live out my fantasies but was't demanding or trying to scam me such a good guy. sorry you had a bad experience but i'm in heaven

david mcconnell

2023-11-19 15:40

I gave this guy a considerable amount of money to carry out my custom video and I can say he carried it out to my script along with a link and screenshots so I only have positive feedback for and we have continued to stay in touch


2023-11-19 22:17

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I'm glad to hear you had a positive experience with him David. As you can see, he did not extend me the same courtesy


2023-11-13 11:36

Did you get your money back at the end?


2023-11-13 11:48

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Hi Sean,

No I didn't. He has me blocked on every platform possible. Several people have reached out of my behalf also, to which he's denied any wrongdoing whatsoever and swiftly blocked them too.


2023-11-13 12:04

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That’s too bad. I paid him €200 for a custom video and he borrowed another €200 from me to fix his car. Now he ghosted me on instagram and did not deliver the video or pay me back.


2023-09-23 15:41

We appreciate your post. However, we're unable to comment on the actions of content creators on other platforms. It's important to note that Paypal does not offer customer protection in most cases, and once the money has been transferred, it's usually irretrievable.

For your protection, we recommend using our custom requests feature, which safeguards both the buyer and the creator. If any incidents occur outside of WatchFighters, we're unable to intervene, regardless of the evidence provided.

WatchFighters is a public platform and we work hard to ensure a secure environment. However, our ability to intervene is restricted if transactions or communication do not occur on our platform. We strongly discourage making payments outside of WatchFighters, as it is not only risky but also against our policy. Content creators requesting off-site transactions should be reported to our site administration via the provided report button.


2023-08-16 23:20

No experience at all myself with Hello Denny ... but the evidence you have placed online seems conclusive, damning.

Long ago, I was scammed, commissioning (I thought) a new film. It all went wrong: there was NO film. I made a claim in the UK Small Claims Court - and won. But the guy was already in prison - and the attempts at retrieving stuff from his given address, enough to pay me, were unsuccessful.

Watchfighters SEEMS to be a good, safe platform. I hope you get things sorted.



2023-09-19 03:22

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I purchased one of his short videos, but that will be the only one. I've had no problems purchasing your videos. You, Connor, and his friends make some of the best videos.


2023-09-19 08:45

(In reply to this)

Thank you very much mate, very kind of you to say


2023-08-13 14:06

He just blocked me on Insta. He and his friend Seby are scammers


2023-08-11 22:45

I ordered a custom from him with no issues. Buy he asked me to lend 700 to him a few days after and promised me that he would pay me back. Take that as how you will.


2023-08-11 16:32

Damn dude, sorry you had to go through that!! I wouldn’t have expected such a prolific performer to be so unprofessional. 😳