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Do you want to see Bodybuilder Wannabe nude or his face? Create your own story where this happens through a custom request!

Bodybuilder Wannabe here, ready to show you what I'm made of! Decked out in my trusty speedos, I decided to put my abs to the ultimate test. Sure, they look good in the mirror, but how would they hold up against some real punishment? Spoiler alert: those punches hit harder than my ego would like to admit! Each impact is a humble reminder that looking tough and being tough are two different things. But hey, at least I'm brave enough to take it - even if my abs are sending some serious protest signals! Watch as I learn the hard way that maybe I should add some impact training to my regular gym routine...

Gut punching Bodybuilder Wannabe's abs

#Gutpunch #abspunching #Bodybuilder #abstest
Bodybuilder Wannabe

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 13:32

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Do you want to see Bodybuilder Wannabe nude or his face? Create your own story where this happens through a custom request!

Bodybuilder Wannabe here, ready to show you what I'm made of! Decked out in my trusty speedos, I decided to put my abs to the ultimate test. Sure, they look good in the mirror, but how would they hold up against some real punishment? Spoiler alert: those punches hit harder than my ego would like to admit! Each impact is a humble reminder that looking tough and being tough are two different things. But hey, at least I'm brave enough to take it - even if my abs are sending some serious protest signals! Watch as I learn the hard way that maybe I should add some impact training to my regular gym routine...


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Bodybuilder Wannabe

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Published on 2024-12-15


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Gut punching Bodybuilder Wannabe's abs

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