
Fresh Meat


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PremiumHDLength: 17:29

Our muscular, manly hero (that's me) takes on a NEW challenger, Max, in this great wrestling domination match. Max is tough but the wit and experience that I bring with me to the ring is more than the smaller man can handle. I knock him out three times within the first few minutes of the match, then take over in an erotic-charged domination. He fights me at first but soon succumbs to me as I put him in holds and fondle his bulge. After working him over for awhile, he becomes my boy-toy and accepts defeat while rubbing me as I mock him. A final facesit has him breathless and out on the mat!

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Published on 2023-07-25

1 Comment


2023-07-31 21:05

So hot would stand in line for a beat down from you

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