
Frank Myles' After Gym Gut Punch

#malegutpunching #3on1 #gutpunch #gut punch #abspunch

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PremiumFullHDDownloadableLength: 13:50



2025-02-10 16:13

Great video I bought it. Suggestion I would like to see is that the guys to smoke cigarettes while they feed him food and his belly started to get bloated but make it realistic. Feed him food and shave his body. Looks better and then make navel torture


2025-02-11 01:36

(In reply to this)

Thank you for the suggestion. But we do not like shaved bodies. We prefer natural hair on the body. Sorry, shaving the body is not going to happen.


2025-01-22 04:17

Great video, especially since the taker is a husky bear with a nice bloated gut. Make more with him.


2025-01-21 06:01

This may be the hottest GP video I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of GP videos. I've been hoping for one like this for a long time. A few others have posted "Drink a lot of water/Get punched in the stomach" videos, but none of those did anything for me. I like Andres Panza's suggestion that there be more videos like this one.

Andres Panza

2025-01-20 17:39

WOW, this vid is AMAZING!!! I love how the bloated belly of Frank Myles is gutpunched! Very very hot. Make more vids of this, maybe make him eat and drink a lot. And the gutpunchers without shirt. I love how they speak in espaΓ±ol. They could punish him for have a belly ;)


2025-02-11 01:37

(In reply to this)

Thank you.

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Frank Myles' After Gym Gut Punch

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