DrawingsPosted on 2023-11-03This content is made available for free by Drumbear. 379 4 Report Comments2Jorgeler2024-05-22 17:57 It's good to see your art again, it fascinates me. Drumbear2024-05-23 16:24 (In reply to this)Thank you, I'm glad you like them. Most of what I have posted on this site is the more erotic (naked) stuff, whereas my drawings on my profile in Meetfighters is clothed and not quite as erotic You need to log in to post a comment.
2024-05-22 17:57It's good to see your art again, it fascinates me.
2024-05-23 16:24(In reply to this)
Thank you, I'm glad you like them. Most of what I have posted on this site is the more erotic (naked) stuff, whereas my drawings on my profile in Meetfighters is clothed and not quite as erotic